Star Trek: Hlboký vesmír deväť (1993)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (skrátene ST:DS9) je v poradí štvrtý seriál z rodiny Star Treku. Na rozdiel od všetkých ostatných Star Trek seriálov sa DS9 odohráva na stanici a nie na vesmírnej lodi. Príbeh sleduje posádku stanice pod velením kapitána Benjamina Siska, ktorí dohliadajú na bezpečnosť ...


Slov. názov Star Trek: Hlboký vesmír deväť
Orig. názov Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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Anotácia Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (skrátene ST:DS9) je v poradí štvrtý seriál z rodiny Star Treku. Na rozdiel od všetkých ostatných Star Trek seriálov sa DS9 odohráva na stanici a nie na vesmírnej lodi. Príbeh sleduje posádku stanice pod velením kapitána Benjamina Siska, ktorí dohliadajú na bezpečnosť nad len nedávno oslobodenou planétou Bajor. Popri tom objavia tajomnú červiu dieru do iných končín Mliečnej dráhy, čo v neskorších sériách povedie k vojne medzi mocným Domíniom na jednej strane a Federáciou a jej spojencami na strane druhej
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Filmová história scifi


Feidias @Feidias 22.10.2010


P. č.NázovOriginálny názovProd
1. séria
1 Emissary Emissary
2 Emissary II Emissary II
3 Past Prologue Past Prologue
4 A Man Alone A Man Alone
5 Babel Babel
6 Captive Pursuit Captive Pursuit
7 Q-Less Q-Less
8 Dax Dax
9 The Passenger The Passenger
10 Move Along Home Move Along Home
11 The Nagus The Nagus
12 Vortex Vortex
13 Battle Lines Battle Lines
14 The Storyteller The Storyteller
15 Progress Progress
16 If Wishes were horses If Wishes were horses
17 The Forsaken The Forsaken
18 Dramatis Personae Dramatis Personae
19 Duet Duet
20 In the hands of the Prophets In the hands of the Prophets
2. séria
1 The Homecoming The Homecoming
2 The Circle The Circle
3 The Siege The Siege
4 Invasive Procedures Invasive Procedures
5 Cardassians Cardassians
6 Melora Melora
7 Rules of Acquisition Rules of Acquisition
8 Necessary Evil Necessary Evil
9 Second Sight Second Sight
10 Sanctuary Sanctuary
11 Rivals Rivals
12 The Alternate The Alternate
13 Armageddon Game Armageddon Game
14 Whispers Whispers
15 Paradise Paradise
16 Shadowplay Shadowplay
17 Playing God Playing God
18 Profit and Loss Profit and Loss
19 Blood Oath Blood Oath
20 The Maquis I The Maquis I
21 The Maquis II The Maquis II
22 The Wire The Wire
23 Crossover Crossover
24 The Collaborator The Collaborator
25 Tribunal Tribunal
26 The Jem'Hadar The Jem'Hadar
3. séria
1 The Search I The Search I
2 The Search II The Search II
3 The House of Quark The House of Quark
4 Equilibrium Equilibrium
5 Second Skin Second Skin
6 The Abandoned The Abandoned
7 Civil Defence Civil Defence
8 Meridian Meridian
9 Defiant Defiant
10 Fascination Fascination
11 Past Tense I Past Tense I
12 Past Tense II Past Tense II
13 Life Support Life Support
14 Heart of Stone Heart of Stone
15 Destiny Destiny
16 Prophet Motive Prophet Motive
17 Visionary Visionary
18 Distant Voices Distant Voices
19 Through the Looking Glass Through the Looking Glass
20 Improbable Cause Improbable Cause
21 The Die is Cast The Die is Cast
22 Explorers Explorers
23 Family Business Family Business
24 Shakaar Shakaar
25 Facets Facets
26 The Adversary The Adversary
4. séria
1 The Way of the Warrior I The Way of the Warrior I
2 The Way of the Warrior II The Way of the Warrior II
3 The Visitor The Visitor
4 Hippocratic Oath Hippocratic Oath
5 Indiscretion Indiscretion
6 Rejoined Rejoined
7 Starship Down Starship Down
8 Little Green Men Little Green Men
9 The Sword of Kahless The Sword of Kahless
10 Our Man Bashir Our Man Bashir
11 Homefront Homefront
12 Paradise Lost Paradise Lost
13 Crossfire Crossfire
14 Return to Grace Return to Grace
15 Sons of Mogh Sons of Mogh
16 Bar Association Bar Association
17 Accession Accession
18 Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement
19 Hard Time Hard Time
20 Shattered Mirror Shattered Mirror
21 The Muse The Muse
22 For the Cause For the Cause
23 To the Death To the Death
24 The Quickening The Quickening
25 Body Parts Body Parts
26 Broken Link Broken Link
5. séria
1 Apocalypse Rising Apocalypse Rising
2 The Ship The Ship
3 Looking For par'Mach In All The Wrong Places Looking For par'Mach In All The Wrong Places
4 ...Nor The Battle to the Strong ...Nor The Battle to the Strong
5 The Assignment The Assignment
6 Trials and Tribble-ations Trials and Tribble-ations
7 He Who Is Without Sin... He Who Is Without Sin...
8 Things Past Things Past
9 The Ascent The Ascent
10 Rapture Rapture
11 The Darkness and the Light The Darkness and the Light
12 The Begotten The Begotten
13 For The Uniform For The Uniform
14 In Purgatory's Shadow In Purgatory's Shadow
15 By Inferno's Light By Inferno's Light
16 Doctor Bashir, I Presume? Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
17 A Simple Investigation A Simple Investigation
18 Buisness As Usual Buisness As Usual
19 Ties of Blood and Water Ties of Blood and Water
20 Ferengi Love Songs Ferengi Love Songs
21 Soldiers of the Empire Soldiers of the Empire
22 Children of Time Children of Time
23 Blaze of Glory Blaze of Glory
24 Empok Nor Empok Nor
25 In The Cards In The Cards
26 A Call to Arms A Call to Arms
6. séria
1 A Time to Stand A Time to Stand
2 Rocks and Shoals Rocks and Shoals
3 Sons and Daughters Sons and Daughters
4 Behind the Lines Behind the Lines
5 Favor the Bold Favor the Bold
6 Sacrifice of Angels Sacrifice of Angels
7 You Are Cordially Invited... You Are Cordially Invited...
8 Resurrection Resurrection
9 Statistical Probabilities Statistical Probabilities
10 The Magnificent Ferengi The Magnificent Ferengi
11 Waltz Waltz
12 Who Mourns for Morn? Who Mourns for Morn?
13 Far Beyond the Stars Far Beyond the Stars
14 One Little Ship One Little Ship
15 Honor Among Thieves Honor Among Thieves
16 Change of Heart Change of Heart
17 Wrongs Darker than Death or Night Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
18 Inquisition Inquisition
19 In the Pale Moonlight In the Pale Moonlight
20 His Way His Way
21 The Reckoning The Reckoning
22 Valiant Valiant
23 Profit and Lace Profit and Lace
24 Time's Orphan Time's Orphan
25 The Sound of Her Voice The Sound of Her Voice
26 Tears of the Prophets Tears of the Prophets
7. séria
1 Image in the Sand Image in the Sand
2 Shadows and Symbols Shadows and Symbols
3 Afterimage Afterimage
4 Take Me Out to the Holosuite Take Me Out to the Holosuite
5 Chrysalis Chrysalis
6 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
7 Once More Unto the Breach Once More Unto the Breach
8 The Siege of AR-558 The Siege of AR-558
9 Covenant Covenant
10 It's Only a Paper Moon It's Only a Paper Moon
11 Prodigal Daughter Prodigal Daughter
12 The Emperor's New Cloak The Emperor's New Cloak
13 Field of Fire Field of Fire
14 Chimera Chimera
15 Badda-Bing Badda-Bang Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
16 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
17 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
18 'Til Death Do Us Part 'Til Death Do Us Part
19 Strange Bedfellows Strange Bedfellows
20 The Changing Face of Evil The Changing Face of Evil
21 When It Rains... When It Rains...
22 Tacking Into the Wind Tacking Into the Wind
23 Extreme Measures Extreme Measures
24 The Dogs of War The Dogs of War
25 What You Leave Behind I What You Leave Behind I
26 What You Leave Behind II What You Leave Behind II


Star Trek: Discovery

Zatiaľ najslabší Star Trek seriál, alebo naopak moderný Star Trek, plný progresívnych myšlienok? Po tretej sérii vám prinášame kompletné zhodnotenie všetkého, čo nám Discovery zatiaľ ponúkol.

2 komentárov

V Star Trek komiksoch sa schyľuje k veľkému crossoveru

Nepotrvá dlho a kapitán Pickard sa opäť raz stretne s Kirkom. Teraz už to ale nebude vo filme, ale v komiksovej podobe. Vďaka Q. A okrem nich tam ešte vydavateľstvo IDW zamieša aj Siska a Janewayovú.....

1 komentárov

Kira je ostrihaná! A je Bašír gej? (Hejterov sprievodca po DS9, epizóda 3)

Hlboký vesmír 9 hneď zo začiatku prepisuje históriu Star Treku! Objavuje sa prvá postava, ktorá vyzerá jako moja mama!

1 komentárov

Hejterov sprievodca po DS9 (časť 1&2)

Pamätáte sa na 90. roky, kedy sa ešte točilo scifi? Takto toto bolo jedno z nich a bol to aj Star Trek.

2 komentárov

Hodinky v štýle Vesmírnej stanice DS9

Mať v dnešnej dobe na stole alebo stene hodinky je už out. Ale čo by ste povedali na tieto hodiny?

0 komentárov

Novinky o Blu-Ray Star Trek TNG, DS9 a Enterprise

Na TrekCore boli publikované dve dlhé interview o práci na multi-miliónovom projekte upgrade-u seriálu Star Trek: The Next Generation do vysokého rozlíšenia pre vydanie na Blu-Ray diskoch.

4 komentárov

Filmová história sci-fi, časť 6. (1990-2000)

Koniec milénia znamená aj koniec jednej éry sci-fi filmov plných skvelých nápadov, bombastických akčných scén a prelomových efektov. Prichádza posledné obdobie, po ktorom už nič nebude také ako predtý...

16 komentárov


StarTrek Deep Space Nine - Trailer - Star Trek