Fyzika a zvuk blastrov z Hviezdnych vojen

Vedeli ste, že ak hodíte kameň o zamrznutú vodnú plochu, napr. jazera, tak vydá zvuk podobný blasteru z Hviezdnych vojen? Ak ste o tom ešte nevedeli a stále ste chceli zistiť o fyzike zvukov viac, máme pre vás malé video, ktoré odkrýva niektoré z jej tajomstiev.
Podporte scifi.sk
Han Solo s blastrom
Han Solo s blastrom Disclaimer
Sound is fascinating. I love learning about this aspect of physics. For instance, did you know that by throwing a rock at a frozen lake you could produce a sound similar to that of a blaster from Star Wars? Well, on "Skunk Bear with Adam Cole" they explore this a little bit and explain that the sound comes from the frequencies separating and our ears hearing the high frequencies before the low frequencies. What’s even better is that they show you how to recreate this sound at home using a slinky and paper cup. Check out the video below for all the details and let us know what your favorite sound is from a galaxy far, far away.
Star Wars - Inšpirované - Sound of blaster in Star Wars Disclaimer

Alexander Schneider

Alexander Schneider
Knižný a filmový recenzent, bývalý porotca súťaže Martinus Cena Fantázie, propagátor a predseda Združenia fanúšikov Babylonu 5 na Slovensku. Scifi, fantasy, horor: Herbert, Holdstock a Lumley.

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