Hlubina ()

"In the Pacific Ocean, a special research lab has been built eight miles below the surface to study a newly discovered substance that initial reports indicate may be a universal healer. But now the station is incommunicado, and a brave few descend through the lightless fathoms hoping to unravel the ...


Slov. názov Hlubina
Orig. názov The Deep
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Anotácia "In the Pacific Ocean, a special research lab has been built eight miles below the surface to study a newly discovered substance that initial reports indicate may be a universal healer. But now the station is incommunicado, and a brave few descend through the lightless fathoms hoping to unravel the mysteries lurking at those crushing depths"--
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Recenzia – Nick Cutter: Hlubina

Prvým dojmom po začítaní sa je, že autor až príliš tlačil na pílu. Chcel znázorniť prirodzený ľudský strach z nesmiernej temnoty a tlaku na oceánskom dne posilnený neznámou zlou silou, ktorá v ňom pre...

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