The God of High School (2020)

When an island half-disappears from the face of the earth, a mysterious organization sends out invitations for a tournament to every skilled fighter in the world.“If you win you can have ANYTHING you want.” they claim. They’re recruiting only the best to fight the best and claim the title of The God...


Slov. názov The God of High School
Orig. názov ゴッド・オブ・ハイスクール
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Anotácia When an island half-disappears from the face of the earth, a mysterious organization sends out invitations for a tournament to every skilled fighter in the world.“If you win you can have ANYTHING you want.” they claim. They’re recruiting only the best to fight the best and claim the title of The God of High School. Jin Mori, a Taekwondo specialist and a high school student, soon learns that there is something much greater beneath the stage of the tournament.
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Filmová história scifi


Horúce letné anime novinky

Tento rok je náročný a prejavuje sa to aj v anime priemysle. Veľa seriálov, ktoré mali byť vydané, boli odložené na neskoršie obdobie, do budúceho roku alebo ich osud je neznámy. Niečo začalo vychádza...

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Trailer - The God of High School | A Crunchyroll Original | OFFICIAL TRAILER