Tvor ()

A man lives alone in a post apocalyptic world where his only companion is his mind. When he runs out of food, the only thing that keeps him sane turns against him. Forcing him to infiltrate an area inhabited by aggressive creatures where he knows there is food. Creature explores what life woul...


Slov. názov Tvor
Orig. názov Creature
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Anotácia A man lives alone in a post apocalyptic world where his only companion is his mind. When he runs out of food, the only thing that keeps him sane turns against him. Forcing him to infiltrate an area inhabited by aggressive creatures where he knows there is food. Creature explores what life would be like for someone who was truly alone, and the emotions oneself could express. The film can be very charming but also just as dark.
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Osoby a obsadenie
Filmová história scifi


Kraťas Creature v postprodukcii

Justin Guerrieri absolvent filmovej školy si napísal a zrežíroval krátky postapokalyptický film. Výroba filmu však nieje len o nadšení, ale aj o financiách. Dokončenie projektu preto môžeme podporiť a...

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