Gotham (2014)

Séria odkrývajúca príbeh komisára Gordona, pred tým, než do Gothamu prišiel Batman. Mladý Bruce Wayne, mladá Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Riddler a mesto rútiace sa do chaosu.
1. séria
1 Pilot Pilot
2 Selina Kyle Selina Kyle
3 The Balloonman The Balloonman
4 Arkham Arkham
5 Viper Viper
6 Spirit od the Goat Spirit of the Goat
4. séria
1 A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina
2 A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper
3 A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks
4 A Dark Knight: The Demon's Head A Dark Knight: The Demon's Head
5 A Dark Knight: The Blade's Path A Dark Knight: The Blade's Path
6 A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon
16 A Dark Knight: One Of My Three Soups A Dark Knight: One Of My Three Soups
17 A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting
19 A Dark Knight: To Our Deaths and Beyond A Dark Knight: To Our Deaths and Beyond
20 A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse
5. séria
5 Legend of Dark Knight: Pena Dura Legend of the Dark Knight: Pena Dura
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