Bojový anděl Alita: Zrezivělý anděl (1991)

In a dump in the lawless settlement of Scrapyard, far beneath the mysterious space city of Zalem, disgraced cyber-doctor Daisuke Ido makes a strange find: the detached head of a cyborg woman who has lost all her memories. He names her Alita and equips her with a powerful new body, the Berserker. Whi...


Slov. názov Bojový anděl Alita: Zrezivělý anděl
Orig. názov Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 1: Rusty Angel
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Anotácia In a dump in the lawless settlement of Scrapyard, far beneath the mysterious space city of Zalem, disgraced cyber-doctor Daisuke Ido makes a strange find: the detached head of a cyborg woman who has lost all her memories. He names her Alita and equips her with a powerful new body, the Berserker. While Alita remembers no details of her former life, a moment of desperation reawakens in her nerves the legendary school of martial arts known as Panzer Kunst. In a place where there is no justice but what people make for themselves, Alita decides to become a hunter-killer, tracking down and taking out those who prey on the weak. But can she hold onto her humanity as she begins to revel in her own bloodlust?
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100+ robotov v science fiction! (1/5)

Niečo vyše mesiac dozadu sme oslávili storočnicu premiéry R.U.R. Trochu nám to trvalo, ale napokon sme zostavili zoznam najznámejších robotov, androidov, kyborgov a vôbec umelej inteligencie v science...

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Alitina cesta k slobode (recenzia)

Tretí diel ságy o Alite pojednáva o osobnej pomste, obete za vyššie dobro a Alitinom hľadaní samej seba.

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Hrdzavý anjel Alita (recenzia)

Prvý diel epickej cyberpunkovej ságy o bojovom anjelovi Alite nás zoznamuje s nádherným, ale nesmierne brutálnym svetom.

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